KaseyaOne Settings: JIT


The KaseyaOne Settings page has two tabs - Automatic User Creation and Organizations. In this topic, we focus on Automatic User Creation tab which is based on the concept of Just-in-Time provisioning. For more information on the Organizations tab, see Integrated customer billing.

The objective of the Automatic User Creation tab is to create new user accounts for users who are coming from KaseyaOne to BMS on the fly. For example, if a user is coming from KaseyaOne and has no account in BMS, the user's account can be created on the fly using the default options using the Automatic User Creation tab or Just-in-Time feature. This could result in additional charges in your KaseyaOne invoice. It is recommended to choose a lower level of access as the default role for security purposes.

For existing users in BMS who log in from KaseyaOne, only first name and last name are to be updated based on the user info coming from KaseyaOne. In this case, KaseyaOne is taken as the source of truth. Existing users' security roles will stay as they are defined in BMS previously.


  1. You should have a KaseyaOne account.

  2. You should have admin access.

  3. You should have KaseyaOne integration enabled.


  1. Once the above prerequisites are in place, go to KaseyaOne Settings page (Admin > My Company > KaseyaOne Settings > Automatic User Creation tab).

  2. Enable the Automatic User Creation tab by dragging the slider to the right. A set of options under the Employee Defaults section appear. By default, the slider is disabled.

  3. Select a department, location, manager, job title, employment type, security role, and employee role as defaults.

  4. Click Save. The defaults are now saved.

At this point, after saving, if you disable the slider, the form will still be visible but the fields will remain unselectable. After you enable the Automatic User Creation tab for the first time, the form will remain visible even after you disable the tab later; however, the fields will remain unselectable.